
Fruit tea

Buy cheap loose fruit tea - Lots of fruit tea varieties for...

Green tea

Buy loose green tea cheap - high quality green tea from China...

Herbal tea

Herbal tea: order loose and harmonious herbal tea mixtures cheap...

Oolong Tea

Buy cheap Oolong Tea - Oolong Tea from China order online...

Black tea

Buy cheap loose black teas Do you know the differences between a...

Summer teas

How do hot temperatures and tea fit together? Tea in the warm...

White tea

White tea is the easily digestible royal discipline among the...

Wellness Tea

There is no limit to the variety of wellness tea Wellness...

Accessories ceramics

Order cheap ceramic tea dishes from Thailand Beautiful Thai...

A small selection of our Wanthai teas

You can find many more tea varieties in the categories above. To select your favorite tea varieties, click on the tea categories above.


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Large selection of teas in the Wanthai online shop with many varieties

Loose herbal tea, loose black tea, loose green tea, loose fruit tea, loose oolong tea, loose white tea, loose wellness tea. In the Wanthai Wellness & Living web shop, you will receive tasty loose teas from the most famous tea growing areas in the world. Almost all of the high-quality loose teas come from the traditional tea brand Alveus and are available either in a practical 100g bag or in a 1 kilogram economy pack. For easy identification, all teas are divided into their respective categories: herbal tea, oolong tea, black tea, white tea, wellness tea, fruit tea and green tea. So a lover of green teas can find all the green tea varieties at a glance in no time. With just a few clicks, you can easily order your favourite teas online and have them sent to your home by post. These teas are also great as a gift for all tea lovers.

The company Alveus has hundreds of quality items from its own manufactory on offer. Especially popular are the Chai tea, pure green teas and black tea blends according to the best recipes. Every tea harvest in the world has got its own special flavours. Here at Wanthai you can taste these unique tea flavours. They are packed with each loose alveus tea. The different types of tea provide a lot of variety in tea enjoyment. So why always buy jasmine tea? There are so many great teas to discover. Do you already know for example the "dragon fire tea", a loose Chinese green tea or the loose herbal tea "Pandanus" from soft green pandanus leaves?

Original Wanthai Tea: Anshan, Lemongrass, Pandanus and Matum

Here in the Wanthai Web shop you will find, besides the high-quality Alveus teas, also Thai tea products from own cultivation. In far-off Asia, Wanthai cultivates the traditional and popular plants Anshan, Lemongrass, Pandanus and Matum on its own fields. From the harvested fruits, flowers and leaves of the plants wonderfully natural tea mixtures are created, which taste exotic and exquisite. These include, for example, Anshan flowers, which colour the water blue / purple. Cultivation completely dispenses with the use of pesticides and other chemicals.

Loose tea - a constant companion who spoils at any time of the day

From the loose tea leaves and tea blends, a delicious cup of quality tea is prepared in no time, which not only quenches your thirst, but contributes to your overall well-being. Therefore, you should pay attention to your mood and health when choosing the type of tea. Special loose herbal teas, for example, aid digestion. Other loose tea blends have a calming effect. Loose Gunpowder tea, on the other hand, is an absolute wake-up agent because of its high caffeine content. A cup of quality tea to breathe and recharge your batteries. The product descriptions in our Tee Online Shop will help you to quickly find and buy the right loose tea.

Tea enjoyment in summer - a real insider tip

Southern countries show it to us. The people there remain loyal to their cup of tea even in hot temperatures. The fact that you sweat less so than when you consume ice cold drinks in the summer, know the fewest. Therefore, the tea enjoyment in summer is a real insider tip. Teas that are especially suitable for the summer months, you will find in our category summer teas. Advocates of cool summer drinks will also find instructions for making their own ice tea over there.

Here are summarized for you some tips for enjoying tea:
Why should I buy loose wellness tea?

Loose tea for wellness has a calming effect and helps, for example, with a diet. Loose teas and tea blends of lemongrass, loose matum tea from Thailand, fruit tea and herbal tea with relaxing herbs or lady's mantle tea are especially suitable as wellness teas. Thanks to the variety of loose teas from Alveus and Wanthai everyone will find their favourite tea. Properly prepared and attractively served in ceramic tea ware, the soul of the tea drinker can quickly be "persuaded" to relax. Wellness tea is offered in many wellness facilities, massage and beauty salons so that the customer can escape the daily grind with an aromatic cup of tea.

Buy lots of teas with stimulating effects

With the right kind of tea you can limit your coffee consumption, because the stimulating effect of loose green or black tea is in no way inferior to coffee. Loose black tea, like the Darjeeling tea, is often drunk with milk and sugar and enjoyed instead of coffee. Not only British people appreciate loose quality tea for teatime. Green loose tea is consumed throughout the world and loose black tea is consumed in large quantities. Did you know that 2,500 cups of tea are drunk every second worldwide?

How is loose tea prepared properly?

With our 4 tips to make tea from loose tea you can enjoy the aroma to the fullest.

1. Very important: loose tea wants to move! Use teapots with a larger sieve insert to prepare a quality tea. So the loose tea leaves can move freely and bring their tea flavour optimally unfold.

2. Use Soft Water for Infusion of Loose Tea. Use only fresh tap water for tea cooking and always brew the loose tea fresh to preserve the tea flavour. Lime in the tea-water binds bitter substances and affects the tea aroma and the colour. So that a good Darjeeling also tastes of Darjeeling tea, it is recommended to filter the water from a lime content of 8º dH (about 14 g lime / 100 l water).

3. When brewing loose tea, the temperature of the tea water is crucial. As a rule of thumb, the water should always be boiled. The loose black tea is then directly brewed. For loose green tea, allow the water to cool to 70-80 ° C before pouring. The cooling process takes about 10 minutes. Then you can decide the taste. Brewing time and dosage of loose tea are dependent on the type of tea and the individual taste. If you buy loose tea in our tea online shop, you will find a recommendation for the perfect preparation of the loose tea in every product description.

4. How do loose green teas and loose black teas stimulate? Note: Loose herbal tea usually lasts longer than a loose black tea or green tea. For black, green and caffeinated teas, the brewing time determines the effect of the loose tea. If the tea drags for up to 3 minutes, it has a stimulating effect, but rather calming after a longer brewing time.

How do I properly store loose tea?

Loose and naturally flavoured tea should be stored in a cool, dry place to enjoy the wonderful aroma for a long time. It is best to pour the loose green tea, black tea or herbal tea into a tea can that can be closed airtight and store the tea supply in a dry, cool room - not in the fridge. Alternatively, you can leave the loose tea of Alveus in the bag and seal it airtight. The loose tea with natural flavour should be consumed within 10 weeks - so the perfect tea enjoyment of quality is always guaranteed.

Order our best loose teas, from Darjeeling tea over China tea to Chai and wellness tea from Thailand, together with helpful and decorative tea utensils and accessories for tea preparation at our tea shop. From 35 Euro value of goods you will receive the tea products even with free delivery. Our Tea Shop Service Promise: Whether loose green tea, loose black tea, loose fruit tea, loose oolong tea, loose white tea, loose wellness tea or loose herbal tea, every pot and every cup of tea from our offer will be a treat!

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